MofM(man of moods)

DESIGNER, Creative director

マンオブムーズ = 常に進化を求める人種、「感性、感覚、雰囲気」で生きる人種 = REAL EXTREMER

2003年SSより、クリエイティブディレクター : 福山正和、パタンナー : 野口裕也によりブランド設立。
2008年、Tokyo代官山にFlagShopOPEN : WorkShop daikanyamaya
2010SS以降、デザイン・ブランドディレクションをMASAKAZU FUKUYAMAが統括で務める。

*デザイナー:福山正和はNIKE, TIME-X, DCSHOECOUSA等10社と契約を結びトップスノーボードライダーとして10年間活躍。

*パターン:野口裕也2001年コムデギャルソン入社後、ジュンヤワタナベでパタンナーとして経験を積む。 2003年退社後、パタンナー担当として同年マンオブムーズと契約。

The Designer :
Name : Masakazu Fukuyama
Birthplace : Nara, Japan
Residence : Tokyo , Japan
Bio : The designer, Masakazu Fukuyama, had shown outstanding career as a top snowboarder for 10 years signing contracts with 10 major companies, including NIKE,
TIME-X and DCSHOECOUUSA. Later on, he educated fashion himself and launched his own brand, MofM (man of moods).

The Brand :
Masakazu Fukuyama launched his first collection in 2004 S/S with Yuya Noguchi.
Yuya Noguchi is a well skilled & experienced pattern maker, who worked for Come des Garcons/JUNYA WATANABE.
After his career at Come des Garcons, he’s been working for MofM(manofmoods).
In 2008, MofM(manofmoods)launched its first FFS, “Work Shop Daikanyama”, in Daikanyama, Tokyo.
From 2010 S/S, Masakazu Fukuyama has officially become a brand director as well as designer to pursue his particular perspective of the world, which integrates with his root, Xtream sport.

The Concept:
“Transformation of action-packed sports’ images into urban fashion”
Inspirations come from Xtream sports, and these images are carefully expressed with edgy designs in monochromatic colors.
Commitment to quality is guaranteed and highly forcused, most of the products are produced in Japan.